What is a monologue and do you know how to write a monologue essay? What does ‘monologue’ mean? Writing a monologue adds something interesting and creative to the typical essay. It involves a sole narrator reflecting on an event or issue and expressing their views uninterrupted to the audience. Although the essay structure of a monologue is consistent with that of a typical essay, it also needs a personal touch.
First, as you think about the introduction to the essay, consider which perspective you will choose as you go about writing the monologue and the situation that it will revolve around. For example, if a character who has spent his/her life in the countryside has moved to New York City, the monologue could focus on his/her reflections from when he first arrived and tried to get himself situated in his/her new surroundings. Think about the personality of the character you have chosen. Writing ideas and taking notes about important events in that person's life and the circumstances that led him/her to move to New York.
At this point, you should have formed a general understanding about how to write a monologue. Now we can move to the middle part of your essay, which could be thought of as the body of the paper. Whether thinking aloud or introspectively, consider the ideas and circumstances related to the situation. For example, the character who has just moved to New York City could discuss how it differs from his/her small town in Indiana and the anxieties that he/she feels as he/she enters a new chapter in life.
The conclusion of the monologue can go in a few directions. In some cases, it can be a genuine conclusion in which a particular situation gets resolved. For instance, the person who moved to New York City concludes that he/she has found his/her place. On the other hand, some conclusions to the essay do not have to be a genuine conclusion at all. It could be full of uncertainty, which forces the audience to determine for themselves how the story truly ends. The nice thing about the monologue essay is that it can be subjective and open to interpretation unlike, say, a research paper that has to wrap things up nicely.
Now that you have read this article, you should have a better idea about how to write a monologue essay that captivates the audience!