Get Quick Writing Help Online

There are numerous types of writing: from academic essays and research papers to job-related emails and speeches. Each type should have its own structure and important components but there are also universal standards you should keep in mind when working on your texts. If you need writing help, consider the following tips.
  • 1. Explain Your Purpose

    Almost every essay help website focuses on the importance of being clear about your purpose and this tip is indeed very important. Start by asking yourself why you are writing. For example, the purpose of an academic paper might be to analyze facts and draw conclusions, while the goal of a business report is to develop recommendations and call for action. If you need paper writing help, follow this advice and enjoy the new quality of your writing.
  • 2. Use the Appropriate Style

    Note how people learn to adjust their behavior while talking to different interlocutors and in different situations. This rule is equally applicable to writing. If you need some essay writing help, here is a good tip for you: never forget about your target reader. Study the peculiarities of academic, business, blog writing, etc. and use each style accordingly.
  • 3. Create a Plan

    Writing without a plan is the number-one habit that you should give up if you seriously need essays writing help. No plan means disjointed writing, repetitions, lack of connection between ideas, and so on. Try mind mapping, creating outlines, etc. and you will be surprised about how significantly your skills improve.
  • 4. Write for Your Readers and Not for Yourself

    This means not only choosing the appropriate style and tone but also keeping in mind the level of knowledge your readers have and guiding them through your text by making it coherent. For instance, include transitions or informative headings to show how different parts of the text relate to each other. You can find some good examples on websites that offer writing help online.
  • 5. Use Passive Verbs Sparingly

    As you know, there are different types of writing styles and each of them has its own rules about passive voice. For instance, passive voice is widely used in scientific context. However, passive verbs make writing impersonal when it has to be personal, so try not to overuse them.

Writing Help from Professionals

Whether you are an experienced writer or a complete novice, writer’s block is something you are never immune to. Our professional writers and editors share the tactics they employ to overcome the anxiety associated with this state of mind.
  • Step 1: Study the Evidence for Your Paper

    Write down the supporting evidence, such as quotes, facts, statistics, etc. Remember to include citations right away not to forget where the information is taken from. You can improve the formatting later.
  • Step 2: Act Like a Detective

    Now that the evidence is right before your eyes, you can proceed to the analysis. As you read the information you have, note down all questions or interesting ideas that come to your minds.
  • Step 3: Become the Expert

    Formulate the potential answers to the questions. Note down every idea that you have, even if it seems a little weird or irrelevant. Brainstorming will help you generate many ideas and only few of them will be worthwhile but those few will definitely be unique.
  • Step 4: Bring It All Together

    Congratulations! You have overcome the writer’s block. Now select the best ideas and pieces of evidence and arrange them into an essay.
We hope that you enjoyed our writing help and that writing paper assignments will be easier for you from now on. Do not forget to proofread and revise your text. Use these tips every time you have a writing assignment and we are sure your skills will soon become superior.

Navigating Peer Review: Insights for Emerging Scholars

15 March, 2024 in default category name
Understanding the Peer-Review Process: Submitting Your Work to Journals and Conferences

When one embarks on an academic research journey, one encounters a formidable gatekeeper called peer review.

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Tools and Apps for Streamlining the Writing Process

15 March, 2024 in default category name
Tools and Apps for Streamlining the Writing Process

In this era of digital advancement, the art of writing has surpassed traditional methods and embraced many customized features and functions to enhance the writing process for students

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How to Avoid Plagiarism and Cite Sources Ethically

15 February, 2024 in default category name
How to Avoid Plagiarism and Cite Sources Ethically

It is a word that strikes fear into the hearts of students anywhere. But what precisely is that?

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Demystifying MLA, APA, and Chicago Style: A Comprehensive Guide

28 January, 2024 in default category name
Demystifying MLA, APA, and Chicago Style: A Comprehensive Guide

Entering academic writing can feel like stepping into a labyrinth, with a myriad of formatting rules casting shadows of confusion.

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8 Tips for Mastering Research Paper Writing

14 January, 2024 in default category name
8 Tips for Mastering Research Paper Writing

In the academic world, research papers are like the MVPs – they're crucial for assessments and diving deep into intellectual exploration.

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Crafting Unforgettable Endings: Making Your Story Resonate

11 January, 2024 in default category name
Crafting Unforgettable Endings: Making Your Story Resonate

Completing a book goes beyond simply shutting its covers; it involves taking the narrative with you—the emotions, the enduring impact of words that stay.

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Cracking the Code: Mastering Note-Taking for Academic Triumph

19 December, 2023 in default category name
Cracking the Code: Mastering Note-Taking for Academic Triumph

Ever been in the daunting situation of facing a mountain of lecture notes, desperately trying to figure out how on earth you'll absorb all that information for your impending exams? Y

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How to Write a Winning Speech for Class Presentations

14 December, 2023 in default category name
How to Write a Winning Speech for Class Presentations

Class presentations are more than just relaying information; they are a canvas for showcasing your communication finesse, creativity, and depth of knowledge.

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How to Write a Captivating Book Report

11 December, 2023 in default category name
How to Write a Captivating Book Report

Embarking on the journey of crafting a captivating book report requires an understanding of its essence and significance. A book report, at its core, is a thoughtful reflection on a literary work.

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8 Effective Strategies to Beat Writer's Block

4 December, 2023 in default category name
8 Effective Strategies to Beat Writer's Block

Writer's block, the dreaded enemy of content creators and creative writers alike, has the power to bring even the most prolific wordsmiths to a standstill. It's a creative roadblock that can impact productivity and dampen the enthusiasm of those striving to produce engaging content.

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Balancing Academic and Creative Writing: Finding Your Unique Voice

21 November, 2023 in default category name
Balancing Academic and Creative Writing: Finding Your Unique Voice

In the intricate dance between structured academia and free-flowing creativity, writers often find themselves caught in a delicate balance, akin to walking on a tightrope suspended between two worlds.

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Mastering the Art of Personal Statement Writing

15 November, 2023 in default category name
Mastering the Art of Personal Statement Writing

Writing a Critical Argument Report

25 April, 2022 in default category name
Writing a Critical Argument Report

This paper seeks to explain the reason as to why knowledge of basic software should not be the main attributes when hiring an accountant, even for the entry-level position in accounting-related work. This is because accounting is more than just data entry.

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Should Language Be Censored?

11 February, 2022 in default category name
Should Language Be Censored?

In today’s society, censorship does not only cover swear words that help humans express their opinions, but also some communication disabilities, which do not allow those people to communicate confidently.

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Narrative on Writing

20 January, 2022 in default category name
Narrative on Writing

What is a Purpose of All Writing

10 November, 2021 in default category name
What is a Purpose of All Writing

Writing is an artificial bearer of thoughts and images that conveys them from the writer’s mind to the reader. In most cases, people write either due to the necessity or because they choose to write for their own reasons and purposes.

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Narrative Hooks

3 June, 2020 in default category name
What is Narrative Hooks

One of the primary tasks for any author is to write a fascinating text for the reader. The writer should have not only perfect language but also know how to use narrative hooks that help to focus the recipient’s attention on a story

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500 Word Essay Example on Child Labor and Poor Education in Developing Countries

1 March, 2019 in default category name
Education in Developing Countries

Globalization is amongst the significant factors that are facilitating economic development of both developed and developing countries. This led to the fact that the world has become a global village. The rate at which people interact all over the world has increased more than ever before because of the globalization.

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The Problem of Objectivity in Journalism

24 January, 2019 in default category name

Contemporary journalism can be characterized by many attributes, which appear, modify or become obsolete with time, for example, reporting the news, reliable and vivid sources of information, neutrality or subjectivity in writing. However, objectivity is the feature prescribed to this phenomenon since its initial conception and evolution.

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Letter Example

24 December, 2018 in default category name
Letter Example

We value your company as one of the McDonalds suppliers. McDonalds often is compared to “three-legged stool”: one of them is a supplier, and another two are owner/operator and employees (McDonald Corporation, 2009). The top-notch quality of all three legs helps McDonalds bring everyday quality food to the 58 million customers’ tables around the world.

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Reflective Writing Assignment One

19 November, 2018 in default category name
Reflective Writing

There was a situation when I tried to persuade my parents that I have grown up and can make my own decisions. My parents thought that they should pick a college for me to study, and I was angry about that. So, I decided to be assertive and talk to them with respect and understanding.

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Scholarly Writing and Plagiarism

16 October, 2018 in default category name
Scholarly Writing and Plagiarism

Students spend a great deal of time, trying to improve their scholarly writing skills. They dream of developing a unique ability to write fluently, comprehensively, and in a manner that fascinates the reader. It goes without saying that everything we write as students should be interesting to our readers. Quality scholarly writing should be original and easy-to-understand.

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4 August, 2018 in default category name
how to write a song

If you are an emerging songwriter or an experienced writer who appeared to be in a state of stagnation and struggling to eke out a how-to-write-a-song state instead, then look below to find what you need.

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23 July, 2018 in default category name

We are already used to the fact that emails and text messages in general are one of the main mediators in getting along with each other, whether the people you write to are your friends, or colleagues or someone you’ve never seen at all. That’s why everyone who is among has to know how to write an email decently as it represents a significant part of your personality.

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Tips for Technical Writing

17 July, 2018 in default category name
Tips for Technical Writing

What is technical writing? The definition of technical writing is to present complex and high-level detailed information in an uncomplicated, user-friendly way to a target audience. The process of technical writing can be difficult, whereas the outcome of such writing is simple and clear.

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How to Write a Monologue Essay

17 July, 2018 in default category name
How to Write a Monologue Essay

What is a monologue and do you know how to write a monologue essay? What does ‘monologue’ mean? Writing a monologue adds something interesting and creative to the typical essay. It involves a sole narrator reflecting on an event or issue and expressing their views uninterrupted to the audience. Although the essay structure of a monologue is consistent with that of a typical essay, it also needs a personal touch.

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How to Write a Persuasive Speech

17 July, 2018 in default category name
Writing a Persuasive Speech

You might not know how to write a persuasive speech, but if you pick good persuasive speech topics that you have a deep interest in, it can make the speech writing process much easier. Of course, eve before you get to the first steps for writing a persuasive speech, it is important to create a persuasive speech outline with which to serve as a foundation as you are writing about your topic.

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Learn How to Write a Short Story (And Get It Published)

17 July, 2018 in default category name
Successful Short Story

All traditional short stories follow the same rules in terms of structure, format, and content but how to write a short story that stands out of the crowd? The best short stories that impress publishers always have something special, something that grabs their attention and will surely keep the readers interested.

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How to Write an Abstract: The Simplest Way Ever

20 June, 2018 in default category name
how to write an abstract

While doing online search for scholarly articles, you have probably noticed that an abstract is the first thing you access, so its function is to provide the readers with a concise but comprehensive description of the paper content. But how to write an abstract that both accurately represents the research and attracts the readers’ attention? This article will explain how to write an abstract for a research paper on any topic. We will discuss the core elements of an abstract, such as the purpose of the research, problem statement, methodology, results, and conclusion. This checklist will be useful for any student who wants to know how to write an abstract that increases the chances of their publications being accessed and read.

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How to Be a Good Writer with Outstanding Business Writing Skills

11 June, 2018 in default category name
Business Writing

As high-school and college students, many people tend to think that there is no easy and straightforward answer to the question “How to be a good writer?” so why bothering looking for it. After all, they need writing skills only for these couple of years until the degree is obtained, and after that, their written communication will be limited to Facebook messages and Twitter posts. Hold on, and what about writing memos and proposals to clients, business letters, executive summaries, plans, and a lot of other texts all people in the business world have to write? Contrary to some students’ misconception, writing is an integral part of business life and good knowledge of business writing style and structure is absolutely essential at work.

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Different Types of Writing Styles

4 June, 2018 in default category name
types of writing

Different writing styles are used for different writing assignments. Despite of their variety, writing styles generally fall in four categories: narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive writing. Yet, in order to determine which style to use for different types of essays, we need to have a look at each category.

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Creative Writing Prompts for High School Leaners

24 May, 2018 in default category name
prompts for high school leaners

It happens often that young learners strive to create a good piece of writing, but they find it extremely stressful because of the lack of appropriate knowledge. Everyone should remember that they may say they don’t like writing and can’t do that only after they try all the available means of acquiring skills in this field. Anyway, it is more effective to learn the peculiarities of writing a specific essay type if you have the exact cases that assist you while learning.

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How to Write a Hook for a Research Paper or an Entertaining Piece of Writing

24 May, 2018 in default category name
How to Write a Hook

If you want to write good, you must remember one essential thing – you have to attract a reader from the very beginning with the first words that will catch their eye. It is up to you to decide what kind of intriguing words to choose, whether they will be of a philosophical character or funny.

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How to Improve Your Writing in a Blink of an Eye

24 May, 2018 in default category name
How To Improve Your Writing

Maybe, you’ve had a desire to take up some kind of writing, no matter for what purpose exactly, just the very fact. However, you find it difficult to get around to setting the ball rolling. There’s also a chance that you are neither into it nor haven’t ever tried to write. Anyway, the understanding that you have to learn the ins and outs of at least drafting writing comes pretty soon – as soon as you start looking for a job.

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The Benefits of Using a Mind Map in the Writing Process

24 May, 2018 in default category name
The Benefits of Using a Mind Map in the Writing Process

We would like to present you the notion of a mind map and reveal insights into its principles which are able to accelerate the writing process and make it more effective. Take a look at the following suggestions to start developing your good writing skills right now.

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A Simple Set Of Rules For Writers To Achieve Acknowledgement

24 May, 2018 in default category name
Set Of Rules For Writers

What are your first associations when you hear a word “writer”? Does this person appear in your mind like a good old knight of the pen holding a quill instead of the latter? Okay, now think of such writers like Jack London, Ray Bradbury, James Joyce, Ernest Hemingway and many other famous writers who had their works printed when they were at their early twenties. Moreover, there is a bunch of those who got their writings see the world much earlier. Overcoming a huge pile of difficulties and obstacles on your creative career is not a necessary condition to become a respected author whose books are read across the globe.

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7 Tips on How to Write a Novel

14 May, 2018 in default category name
Write a Novel

What is a novel? It is nothing else but an invented story of considerable length that deals imaginatively with human experience. Usually through a connected sequence of events. Writing it requires mostly a good imagination.

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Prewriting strategies and its best use

14 May, 2018 in default category name
Prewriting strategies and its best use

Starting an essay can be challenging for everybody. When it comes to writing we all have the same problem: where to start? Even when you have clear ideas with lots of material on it you still struggle and have no idea on how to put them on a paper. It’s every writer’s dilemma and it’s perfectly normal. Believe it or not, there was a lot of planning behind this article too. It doesn’t matter if you’re a junior, a senior, or even an experienced writer you’ll still start with a blank computer screen. You may even know everything about drafting and editing, and we all know writing and editing go hand in hand, but your main issue right now is how to get to that first draft and what comes in between your blank page and a final paper that will contain your elaborate thoughts in a coherent and nicely articulated essay.

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Stages of The Writing Process

14 May, 2018 in default category name
Stages of The Writing Process

There are people who need to stare at the blank page for an eternity before getting started and there are others who would start without thinking twice. When I was in college, the guy who sat next to me said he believed my pencil was magical. Silly, isn’t it? That the words would just flow whenever my pencil hit the paper. Come on… there is no such thing as a magical pencil.

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7 Simple Steps to Learn How to Write a Perfect Essay

2 May, 2018 in default category name
Learn How to Write a Perfect Essay

Very often young learners hate making the compositions. They write for various purposes. It may be admission, test, competition etc. One way or another, it becomes a challenge. Fortunately, there are many ways for anyone to learn how to write well, and everyone is able to acquire them if they adhere to the next algorithm and techniques while writing.

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How to Improve Writing Skills Being Pressed for Time

30 April, 2018 in default category name
How to Improve Writing Skills Being Pressed for Time

Life moves forward quickly, and this fact doesn’t always work in our favor, especially when we need to perform a written assignment. A lot of various factors may exist for us to find it difficult to cope with the tasks on time, subjective and objective ones, from a strict mentor with high demands to feeling sick or tired. Nonetheless, there is a list of writing strategies for you to be able to get the work done even within a terrifying time limit.

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Reflective Essay Definition

30 April, 2018 in default category name
reflection of chess

If you don’t know how to start a reflective essay, take a trip into the spaces of your mind, because it actually contains almost everything a reflective essay format requires. This is a manifestation of your self-actualization and, as revealed in the name itself, this is an essay type which reflects and projects to the written form what is going on in your head.

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